The Residency Series at the House of Nobility
Bach's Collegium Musicum (stream)
In the parlour of Café Zimmermann
J. S. Bach – Händel – J. B. Bach
Kajsa Dahlbäck, soprano
FiBO Players:
Kreeta-Maria Kentala, violin
Anthony Marini, violin
Tuula Riisalo, viola
Jussi Seppänen, cello
Petteri Pitko, harpsichord
Eero Palviainen, theorbo
The programme (in Finnish) can be found here.
A meaningful part of the history of the birth of today’s concert culture was the Collegium Musicum groups from the German university cities during the baroque era. The groups consisting of students and wealthy friends of music arranged concerts which programs included everything from instrumental music to both secular and sacred vocal music. In the wealthy trading town of Leipzig the Collegium Musicum activities were born in the university community in the end of the 17th century. However, in 1701 the concert life got its real new spirit when the young Georg Philipp Telemann started to lead the group.
Telemann left Leipzig only a couple of years later, but the regular public concert activities were there to stay and became a permanent part of the city’s cultural life. The best known concert place in Leipzig was Café Zimmermann where the concerts were held inside in the parlour during wintertime and outside in the garden during summertime. In the beginning of the 1720’s, Johann Sebastian Bach became the musical leader of the church in Leipzig and a couple years later he also took over the responsibility of the city’s collegium activities. Under the name of Bachisches Collegium Musicum the group performed both Bach’s own pieces – concertos, pieces for keys and cantatas – and other pieces by several of the big composer names of the era. During this concert we get to hear music that was performed at Café Zimmermann when Bach was alive.
Duration: 1 h
Attention! If the streamed concert can be held with even a small audience and you already bought your online ticket but would want to experience the concert live on site, we can look into this nearer to the concert date.