Enjoying summer in the Alppipuisto Park
A Baroque picnic for the whole family
Hanna Haapamäki, recorder
Jarmo Julkunen, ukulele
Finnish Baroque Orchestra
For the first time, the popular family event Summer at the Alppipuisto Park will feature classic music, and above all, old music, when FiBO takes over the park on the first Sunday in July.
Equipped with picnic lunches, the holiday celebrators can have a taste from the diverse platter that Baroque music and the musicians of the Finnish Baroque orchestra have to offer: on the repertoire are both Baroque classics in an adult taste and the musical tale The Princess and the Swineherd for children.
Welcome to experience and to try Baroque music in the lush and green environment next to Linnanmäki! There is free entry to the event.
14–14.35 The Princess and the Swineherd / Anni Elonen & Louna Hosia (pavilion)
15–15.50 FiBO (main stage)
16–16.35 The Princess and the Swineherd / Anni Elonen & Louna Hosia (pavilion)
17–18 FiBO (main stage)
18– Ukulele solo set by Jarmo Julkunen, and in the end, music by FiBO (main stage)